Wednesday, August 3, 2011

FREE Auto Fill Template Action!

Welcome Everyone!  I am so glad you are here!  This store will slowly grow as I create over the next few months!  You will want to stick around to be some of my testers by liking my facebook page HERE!

And just to give you a little taste of my favorite thing I will be working on... here is a little freebie~!

Rounded Corner Square Auto Fill Template Action
I know long title, huh!?

What is an Auto Fill Template Action you may ask?
Well, don't you just hate looking through all your template files to find the right one and manually going and fining the images you want to add and clicking a million things to get each template done?!  I do too, so I made these snappy little template ACTIONS that do the clicking for you!  They are located in an ACTION file so NO SEARCHING! 

All you do is press play and...

1. The template gets built right before your eyes
2. The place menu comes up automatically for each window in the template so you can choose the image you want
3. A transform box is already in place around the image so you can drag and transform it to fit the window
4. You hit Enter and the next place menu comes up automatically!!
5. The brush tool is selected automatically for you to place your logo if desired.
6. These are large enough to be printed, or you can shrink them for blogs and facebook!

How awesome is that!

Here is a ONE IMAGE Square Rounded Corner Template for you to practice on and to make sure these work with your version of photoshop.  Have Fun!

Here is what it looks like, this one is simple:

Download your template HERE!


  1. Thanks for the template ~ I really need a new logo - can't wait to see some of your work!

  2. Found you on facebook and I can't wait to see what you have in your store. Thanks for the download. I will put it to good use. :}

